
It is with deep sadness that I announce the passing of Dr. Frank Wilson on January 12, 2021 at his home near Bancroft, ON. Frank had been in palliative care this past year and his wife Anna said he was ready to go.

Frank was a charter member of Alpha Phi (Mimico, ON) that made Gamma Delta Psi “International” on March 18, 1954. He later went on to serve as International President from 1958-59. Frank truly understood “Brotherhood” and was heavily involved with the Algonquin Shrine Club and the Bancroft Masonic Lodge.

I will miss my big Brother. A true gentleman. Rest in Peace.

Frank’s Obituary can be found at Neuman Family Funeral Home:–frank-wilson/4490178/obituary.php

Bill Schmitt
Gamma Xi #88
1 reply
  1. Dorsey Howard
    Dorsey Howard says:

    Greetings Brothers,

    I’d like to share a few lines of personal comments and memories of our recently deceased Bro. Dr. Frank Wilson – Alpha Phi Chapter Charter and Nirvana Chapters, as expressed by Bro. Al “Smitty” Smith, Alpha Phi # 53. Bro. Smith is a former International Officer in Gamma Delta Psi fraternity who I met in 1960 when I was President of Beta Alpha Chapter in Hopewell, Virginia. He and his wife, Bernice, live in Brampton, Ontario.

    Bro. Smith writes:

    “Very sad to hear about Bro. Wilson’s passing. He was President of the student council at MHS when I entered Grade 9 in 1954. I wish I could remember more but he left high school a year after I entered. Had I not been in GDP I likely never would have had a chance to socialize with him as High School was structured along lines you likely experienced as well.

    Needless to say, we all looked up to him at that time. It always seemed hard to believe at the time that I would, 3 years later, become a Brother in Gamma Delta Psi and be considered an equal by him. Even harder to believe that a year later I would be elected to hold the same position he held upon my entry to MHS. I lost track of him in the late 50’s sorry to say.

    He was a success in life as I have read as were many if not most of our chapter’s members. We were fortunate to have role models such as him to emulate.”

    Thanks to Bro. Al “Smitty” Smith for sharing those memories with us.

    In Warm Fraternal Bonds,

    Bro. Dorsey Howard

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