Greetings Brothers,
Below is a link to the obituary for Bro. Bryce Dennis – Alpha Chi Chapter  Bro. # 210, who passed into our Nirvana Chapter in 2016.  The information was forwarded to me by Bro. Bill Schmitt. May he Rest in Eternal Peace. ONCE A BROTHER – ALWAYS A BROTHER.

Bro. Dorsey Howard

Here’s Brother Bryce’s online obituary

The following is commentary about Brother Bryce by Dave Flemington, Alpha Chi #200 and Eric McHugh, Gamma Sigma Fraternity, both close friends.


“Yes – I was very close to Bro. Bryce Dennis. He was the 210th brother in Alpha Chi in Oakville, Ontario, Canada. I was the 200th. Bryce died in May of 2016 of cancer. I played hockey with him since we were about 12 years old. I was his best man at two of his weddings. He was my best man at one of mine…(we liked it so much we had to do it several times…) Bryce was loved by everyone he met and never had a bad word to say about anyone else. Rarely a day goes by that I don’t think of him…very rarely…”

“I don’t know where to begin. “Chuck”, his nickname, and I had so many laughs growing up as teenagers. Bryce was a soft spoken, kind guy, but the antics, I’ll never forget. Put a pair of skates on him and give him a hockey stick. Very talented. The thing I remember most on a serious note, was his ability to include anyone. Friends from all walks and stations in life. One of the Good Ones!”