
It is sad to report we have lost a Brother of Gamma Alpha to Nirvana Chapter. Brother Bruce Lloyd-Craig Gamma Delta Psi Gamma Alpha Chapter, induction #40.

REST IN PEACE Brother Bruce in your journey to Nirvana Chapter.

Bruce’s online obituary can be read here

Dave Bartlett
Gamma Alpha

3 replies
  1. Terry Marshall
    Terry Marshall says:

    Remember Bruce quite well, sorry to hear of this news! I am one of original charter brothers of Gamma Alpha chapter. If my memory is correct, I think Alderwood Collegiate was our sponsoring chapter, could be wrong! Lol! My nickname was Bucky. If Dave Bartlett reads this , maybe he could Email me if any other original chapter brothers still kicking! Thankyou!

    • Bill Schmitt
      Bill Schmitt says:


      I told Dave of your comments here. Dave should be in contact soon.

      Bill Schmitt
      Gamma Xi #88

  2. Terry Marshall
    Terry Marshall says:

    Sorry to hear of Bruce passing. Remember him driving his Corvair to school at TCI

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